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Showing posts with label sammamish web designer company. Show all posts

Sunday, 24 April 2016

How to Use Facebook Ads to Target Traffic for your Business?

5 Simple Steps to Advertising Success on Facebook

Currently Facebook has more than 400 million users and it is anticipated that by the end of 2012 that number will have reached a billion. If Facebook were a country it would be the third largest in the world – that really puts things into perspective now doesn’t it. That means that your ideal target consumer likely can be found in Facebook land. But you need to know how to find them, and that’s where we can help. Here are 5 simple steps to advertising success on Facebook.

1. Target Your Market One of the powerful things about Facebook is that you can easily target who will see your ads using a number of different variables that include age, geography, gender, workplace, education, relationship status, demographics, etc. as well as keywords.

2. Attract Then Engage You will have to make a decision about where you are going to direct people – it can be your website or your Facebook application, group, event, or page. What’s nice about Facebook ads that promote pages is that Facebook includes a drop down “Become a fan” option. People are not required to visit your page to take action. Facebook ads are an excellent tool to promote events, get new fans, promote content, build brand recognition, and go much deeper and build trust. The amount of space you have is small so make sure to use it smartly. You get 25 characters for the headline to grab attention and then 135 characters for the ad itself.

3. Budget Facebook ads are similar to AdWords. You bid on keywords and compete to have your ads shown. You can select either CPC (cost per click) where you pay each time your ad is clicked or CPM (cost per thousand) where you pay per 1000 ad views. To begin your campaign you’ll need to set your budget.

4. Test You should always test your ad campaign. Facebook makes it pretty simple, although h all ads have to be approved by Facebook. Create a number of ad versions. Then you will be able to easily see which ad is performing the best.

5. Analyze After you launch your ad campaign it’s important for you to start to track and tweak. Facebook gives you with a tool that provides insights on actual demographics compared to targeted demographics. This reporting makes it easier for you to determine which advertisements are working and where your ads are failing.

Use Facebook Page to Drive Traffic to New Business

If you aren’t yet convinced on how a Facebook page can benefit your new business by driving traffic to it, you need to look at some of the stat recently released. The fact of it is, we live in a technological world that is more and more driven by social media. In the past year businesses using Facebook have experienced significant growth. Most small business owners recognize just how beneficial a Facebook page can be for them.

Setting up a Facebook page costs you no money. It’s easy to create, run, and develop, and it has the potential to bring new customers on board. New businesses can quickly gain exposure for their page by incorporating Facebook ads that link back to the Facebook page.

Facebook ads make it very easy to target your market based on age, gender, location, hobbies, interests, career, eduction, work, etc. This means you can quickly bring targeted traffic to your site and provides you with the opportunity to begin bringing customers in much faster than in previous times.

A survey of more than 1,500 businesses saw 48% of these businesses with increased sales as a result of their presence on Facebook. 60% of those who were surveyed and who had not yet created a Facebook page said they planned to do so within the year. 30% said they planned to within the next six months.

Of course, it takes more than just having the Facebook page. Like so many other tools that’s exactly what the Facebook page is. Being the page is on the site of the social network giant it’s no surprise that it has a great deal of power. Facebook has launched technology that gives you the ability to be able to create a storefront on your page. You no longer have to drive traffic to your page and then to your website. You can do it all right on your page.

Facebook is working to show the world that it’s no just a place where college kids poke each other, post party pictures, and stock their friends. Facebook has the potential to be the largest eCommerce social networking opportunity on the web, and more and more businesses recognize just what it can do for their business.

New businesses that recognize that a Facebook page can give them a head start on getting their new business rolling, are on the right track. They’ll reap the benefits of a Facebook page for years to come.

How to Use Facebook for Business

If you are using the web for your business, you have probably heard about the benefits of using Facebook for business. If you haven’t it’s time you did. Let’s look at some of the most common ways to use Facebook for business.

1. Get a Facebook vanity URL so that users can easily find you. A vanity URL can be the name of your business, a product, etc.

2. Post business updates to your wall that focus on the business activities.

3. Add your Facebook URL to your signature line for email, marketing campaigns, and other social media outlets so that prospects are able to find you.

4. Combine Facebook with some of the other social medial tools such as LinkedIn or Twitter. For example, someone asks you a question on Twitter, then post your answer to your blog and link that to your Facebook page. You see how you can bring things round circle and create cohesion.

5. Post a picture of your product brand or a professional photo of yourself. It’s always great to use a logo whenever possible.

6. Use your page to grow your branding. Add basic information to the page including links to your company website, information about the company, a mission statement, a newsletter subscription, etc.

7. Make sure you update your Facebook page regularly with helpful information, answers to questions, promotions being offered, etc. Remember the more you can engage your fan the more times they will visit, and the more people they will share the page with.

8. Use your page to promote your sales, new products, upcoming events, etc. Take full advantage of what a page can do for your business.

9. Use Facebook search feature to find other fan pages related to your industry, business, career, or location and then network with these pages.

10. Use Facebook ads to bring people to your page. Pages that are interactive and offer the individual value with have no problem turning visitors into fans. Remember those fans can share with their friends and those friends can share with their friends. You can see how you can quickly grow your page.

Facebook for business isn’t a secret anymore. However, not everyone has learned how to maximize the value of the Facebook page to grow their business. Start with these ten tips on how to use Facebook for business and you will be well on your way to learning the true power of Facebook  and business.

Grow Your Business Through Facebook Networking

Facebook networking has grown from personal to profession. This growth and change is partially a result of the young crowd who first came to Facebook have now grown into adults becoming professionals, entrepreneurs, and partaking in the business world. Facebook networking continues to grow and attract new people. Today more than any time in the past this is not something you can overlook. Social networking for business growth is  a viable option. Let’s look at how Facebook networking can benefit your business.

Great Exposure – One of the things Facebook is famous for is the potential for endless exposure. It’s really unbeatable. When it is used strategically and consistently, you will notice that increase in your company’s visibility. Make sure you are posting comments, tips, advice, and offers regularly. By doing so, you will build credibility and respect, which in turn will lead to increased revenue.

Improve Google Rank – The Facebook page application allows you to create your professional page for your business, products, or services. You can create links to your website within the page, or within any other reference links you’d like to include, such as for books you’ve written. Yet another way to help improve your Google rank.

No Cost Marketing – If you use the Facebook page in combination with other applications you will discover that there are a number of excellent tools you can use to market your products/services and promote your business. It will take you a little while to learn how to use all these tools, but you will master them. Then you can decide which ones are right for you.

Target Your Ad Space – Facebook allows you to create targeted ads on the Facebook site that lead back to your page. You can easily track how the ads perform using Facebook analytical tools.

Once your page is up and running, there are few things you can do to help you get the most out of your page. Make sure there are no photos posted that show your business in an unfavorable manner, or that are too personal. Keep your personal life off the page. Create a page with minimal distractions. Keep it clean and easy to navigate. Make sure you make regular posts and keep the page interesting so your fans continue to return.

Finally, give yourself to learn all the ins and outs of running a page. Take advantage of the tons of information out there that can help you maximize the value of your page, and don’t forget to network with like minded businesses.

Maximizing Your Facebook Page

By now you may already know that having a Facebook Page is a wise marketing move. But do you know how to maximize your Facebook page and get the most out of it? You’ll want to read on for some quick tips on how to increase your fan base and your profits.
What many Facebook users do not know is that you can reach out beyond Facebook to improve the value of your Facebook page. For example, did you know that you can connect your YouTube channel to your Facebook page so that your fans can view any YouTube videos you’ve posted right from your Facebook page. You can also connect to your Flickr Account or the SlideShare app, which is similar to a YouTube app. All of these will add depth, interest, and increase the visitors to your page.

You should consider adding a dislike button to the status update on your page. At one time or another we have all wanted to dislike a post or a status update. Now you can allow your users to ‘dislike’ or ‘like’ a post. To enable ‘dislike’ you just have to install the Status Magic App and then post your updates using the app.

If you want to generate some new leads make sure you create a call to action. You can optimize your page using lead generation. Did you know that links that are shared in Facebook actually have a high impact on search engine results page rankings?

Take advantage of things like polls. Post a question and then choose ‘add poll options.’ You can use polls to acquire feedback from fans on page content, products, wall posts – really your possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Polls can increase participation while at the same time providing you with valuable information.

You can also customize who will be able to view the posts you make. This is Facebook’s solution to Google+s Circles. You can now set your page so that posts will only display to a certain language or location.

Save time and become more efficient opting to use third part applications like HootSuite to schedule your Facebook posts so that they post into the future. Just don’t get caught up in automating your page and leaving it to the bots to run because your fan base will significantly suffer if you do.
Finally, don’t forget to subscribe to the Facebook official blog, where you will find all the announcements for new features. You can give yourself a head start by finding out about these features before others do. After all, it’s a game of strategy so stay ahead of your competition. 6
Turning Facebook Ad into Business Success

While large numbers log into their Facebook account only to chat with friends and find the days gossip, just as many log into Facebook for business, having recognized there is an advertising jackpot here equivalent to winning the next Powerball. Smart business owners have recognized that Facebook advertising has some distinct benefits over other advertising opportunities.

When you place ads on Facebook you can easily target your market. Of the half billion users on Using Facebook a business can easily target those demographics and interests that apply to the product they are marketing.

When you are using Facebook ads it is a much different process than using other ad platforms. With Google AdWords you match keywords on the various pages that come up when a Google search is done. With Facebook, your ads can be specific in a single user’s profile. So rather than targeting your ads to products or services, with Facebook you will target people. For example, rather than targeting the product iPad with Google ads, you would target the people who use iPads on Facebook.
Facebook personal pages are different than Facebook business pages, although they do share similarities. With a business account you cannot view user profiles, add new friends, or interact with people the way you can with personal Facebook pages.

With a business page visitors can “like” your page and become a fan. You can tweak your business page preferences listing in a relevant category, and even dividing the content on your Facebook page so that each has its own tab. Facebook offers you precise metrics to show you how well your page is doing. You can use this information to help improve your page, and your visitor count.
When you have 25 people connected to your page, you are allowed to reserve a username for your Facebook URL. For example, let’s say you chose the username PetesPets then you would have a URL that looked like this making it much easier for visitors to locate your page. A Facebook page is faster and less expensive, to design and bring to the site than establishing a custom domain name and website.

On Facebook all you have to do to begin your advertising campaign is create an ad entering the URL for the website you want traffic to visit. However, if you want to enjoy true success those ads will lead traffic to your Facebook page where there is interaction between staff and customers or potential customers. Those are the companies that maximize their advertising campaign. And remember your Facebook page is free – that’s a win-win wouldn’t you say?

Build Your Brand With Facebook

You are a prospering company with a winning brand. So do you really need Facebook? And can it really benefit you? The answer is a resounding “yes.” Facebook is like getting free space at a world tradeshow that will have more than 500 million visitors. Truly, it’s revolutionary. Those that recognize the value it offers will continue to build stronger brand recognition.

You may have the urge go full speed ahead and compete with other business pages that already have millions of fan. Don’t! Instead take some time to develop a solid strategy that will help you build your business and your brand name. You may be surprised to learn it is more important to have an engaged fan base rather than a large fan base. Build a recognizable voice and focus on those who will actually use your brand. Just because you have more than one product line, does not mean you should automatically build Facebook pages for all of these products. Instead, figure out who used which products and which will fit the Facebook market best. Then build a page on that product and focus on building brand recognition for that page.

It is very important to determine who your target market is and how you are going to communicate to these people. Remember people are busy so no matter what your product is you are going to have to build value to get them to pay attention to your page. Some of your efforts will be through trial and error but before long you’ll have it determined. Facebook can aid you in broadening your brand recognition, and establishing what your company is about.

Who is your target market? It’s a must to figure this out. Is it college students with no money? Busy moms? Professional men? Once you know who your market is, you are ready to target using profiling through Facebook. This is one of the tools that make marketing and building brand recognition so powerful with Facebook.

You should make a minimum of one post per week to your page. The more the better. Also the more they engage the visitor the better. You can also use your page to promote sales, offer coupons, and do various activities that engage the user.

Deal with customer issues immediately – If a fan posts about a problem or makes a complaint on the wall, it’s imperative that you deal with the issue immediately, to ensure there is no negative message to other fans.

When you decide to pull posts do it with care – Of course you should always remove posts that are truly offensive or comments that are really inappropriate. Those that are just out of line should have a professional response. While many would like to see certain posts pulled, the problem is if you start pulling posts you break the authenticity of your page. Here’s how you decide if a post should be pulled. If you were in a town hall meeting, would the police be escorting the messenger from the building. If the answer is yes then go ahead and pull the post.

That’s it – you are ready to get busy building your brand with Facebook!

Using Contests and Freebies on Your Facebook Page

The word is out – the best kept secret on Facebook is no longer a secret. Businesses are flocking to Facebook to setup a page to build brand recognition, grow their customer base, and increase their revenues. So how do you stand out from the thousands upon thousands of pages vying for the Facebook users’ attention? Well one way that has shown extreme success is by using your Facebook page to promote contests and free giveaways.

One can take lessons from some of the biggest companies such as Proctor and Gamble, who use their site to promote products on sale, new products, and coupons for free or discounted products. When you engage the fans and provide something that’s free whether it’s a giveaway, a sample, a draw, or a contest it brings fans to the page.

This type of advertising also increases your following as fans are likely to share with their friends and so your fan base grows. Here’s an interesting statistic. If the average number of friends a person has is 150 and you have 1000 fans that means you have the potential of reaching another 150,000 people.
Not so long ago it was easy to draw the attention to your Facebook page and collect fans. Today, it requires marketers to think outside the box, become much more innovative, and ensure that they have  a strategy in place that will help you stand out.

One method is to incorporate Facebook ads, which take those who click the ads to your Facebook page. When you create Facebook ads you have a great deal of flexibility and you can target your traffic to a level seldom seen elsewhere. You can target your audience by age, gender, location, income, education, and a host of other traits Facebook users have shared. Targeting brings you the traffic you want. However, you also should make sure you don’t go to the opposite extreme, and narrow your target too much. This can eliminate potential customers.

You should always experiment with different ad combinations to find out which work the best and bring you the most traffic. Facebook will send you detailed metrics on all of your ad campaigns. This makes it relatively easy to see what ads are successful and which ads are a flop.
If you are new to advertising on Facebook you need to pay attention to how your users engage there. It’s a good idea to run your ad campaign and then reinforce that campaign on your page.
Facebook has the potential to help you grow your business and improve your revenues. Why not get started now?

Tips for Mastering Facebook Marketing

Businesses are recognizing the potential to help them achieve their marketing goals. In fact 62% of B2C companies and 41% of B2B companies use Facebook.

1. Create a Facebook Page, not a Facebook Profile – This is the first thing you need to do. To maximize your company potential create a page not a profile. It’s simple to set up your page. Just follow the step-by-step instructions.

 2. Claim Your Page’s URL – Create your business page. Then to make it easier to find and more sharable you should create a recognizable URL. It will only take a minute.

3. Auto Publish Your Blog Content – You can start to populate your page wall with your blog content. If you have a business blog connect your blog so it auto posts the new blog content to your page. We should mention that auto posting is not required. It is just a tool that’s helpful for those that are far too busy. You should also make sure that it’s a real person that is engaging the fans.

 4. Ensure Blog Post Meta Descriptions are Complete – If you’ve posted a link on Facebook you already know that it pulls in a short description with the photo. It pulls this description from the meta description on the page. Make sure the blog content you decide to publish on your page is complete and that it’s enticing.

5. Always Create a Custom Page Tab – One of the most recent changes to Facebook pages is that you can no create custom tabs, which is a great way to reduce the clutter on your page. Think of this as your landing page.

6. Create a Welcoming App – You can use a custom tab to create your welcome app. Use the page to welcome new visitors to the page, and then to encourage them to like the page.

7. Use Facebook Insights – If you are not familiar with Facebook Insights you should be. These are analytical tools that can provide you with useful information relating to your visitors and they can help you better understand your fans.

8. Be Sure to Tag Other Business Pages and Other Users – Prior you were able to only tag other users, but now you can actually tag other Pages, as well. First make sure you allow others to post content to your page. Then make sure it is interactive. This will ensure that when people post to your wall they will likely tag your page in the post.

There 8 tips are a great place to start with mastering Facebook for your business.

For many businesses their fan page is an important part of their social media advertising campaign. To maximize your success on Facebook you should ensure you have addressed these 5 key areas.
Network With Additional Platforms If you want to build a large following it will require you to network not just on Facebook but on additional platforms. One method that works well is pushing your website traffic back to your Facebook page. Victoria’s Secret has done this with their highly effective PINK line and campaign. Too many businesses don’t have the necessary dedication. Instead, they expect consumers to just automatically find them. Sorry folks, it doesn’t work that way.
Create Resources Some pages are used as a connection hub. However, others offer relevant information to consumers. The information is used to present the consumer with value, while at the same time it creates a connection with your brand. Branding exercises are key to your Facebook success and growing your business.

Establish a Resource That Keeps Them Coming Back If you want your fan page to have value, entice new users, and keep the existing user base. Remember these are all potential consumers. Offering coupons and contests specifically on your Facebook page and for Facebook users is a good way to entice people to come to your page and keep returning. Many companies use campaigns that say “Click on the Like Button and you will get (insert coupon or product here).” This is a great way to build a long-term, large community

Empower Pages That Pre-Exist If you want an example of how social media can work, Coca Cola’s Facebook page is a great example. Two Facebook users who liked Coke started the Facebook fan page. What began merely as a fan page became the largest product page on Facebook. Rather than Coca Cola coming along and taking over the page for themselves, they rewarded all the fans of the page by offering them a tour of the Coke facility in Atlanta. The page remains with Coca Cola’s blessing.

Be Sure to Target the Right Demographics Occasionally, a Facebook page is built but it doesn’t grow. This can often be a side-effect of the demographics of Facebook. Some brands, simply don’t or won’t have a strong Facebook presence. Let’s have a look at Facebook demographics then you can decide if it’s right for your business.

* 53% of users have kids * The average income is over $60,000 annually * More than 50% of users are college kids * Females make up the larger portion of users
Demographics change quickly and are relatively easy to get, so make sure to do your research before undertaking your Facebook page.

Do You Really Understand the Value of Facebook for Your Business?

Facebook – there’s a lot of buzz around it these days, especially when it comes to what it can and cannot do for your business. Well one thing is for certain. If you are not taking advantage of Facebook pages then you aren’t running your business in this century.

Facebook offers both groups and pages and many have trouble determining which is the right choice. Pages were launched back in 2007 when Facebook noticed that people were attempting to connect brands in ways that didn’t work with the current Facebook structure. Since the inception of pages there’s been confusion. That’s because groups and pages have overlapping features.
Think of Facebook pages just as you would an individual’s profile. They can have friends, post pictures, and fans can post on the wall. Pages also show updates. It’s also what you want for your business.

You Facebook page will be most successful if you create it in such a manner that you actually engage your fans. It’s one thing to post updates, product information, etc. but it’s quite another to actually carry on a conversation with a fan. It’s been proven that those pages where there is a great deal of conversational interaction do far better than those that are more one sided.
You can grow your page even faster by taking advantage of Facebook ads and pointing them to your page. Contests, coupons, and free stuff always peak interest and bring more people to your page. Try to think outside the box even just a little.

Marketers are becoming very interested in measuring social media return on investment. Up until recently site traffic was the measure of marketing success but things are changing with the focus moving towards the value of fans and the positive buzz that’s created around them.
In a recent survey 20% of respondents felt Facebook had shown them a significant return on investment. That number is rapidly growing. Now is a good time for your business to get on board and learn the full value of a Facebook page.

If you’d like to have a look at some successful Facebook pages, we recommend that you have a look at some of these pages. * Zappos * Skittles * Harley Davidson * McDonalds * iTunes
The sooner you recognize what a Facebook page can do for your business the sooner you’ll begin to enjoy the business growth, increased brand loyalty, greater market share, and increased revenue.

Do You Know the Marketing Benefits of a Facebook Page?

Facebook pages have become the chosen solution for companies that are looking to create brand recognition and advertise on Facebook. Pages are interacted in a similar fashion to the groups, where fans can post links, photos, videos, and engage in discussions that are going on.
You have a great deal of flexibility when you set up a page, including what you will allow fans to do. Pages are much more flexible than groups, allowing you to add applications that will enhance your page. For example, let’s say you own a restaurant. You might want to show restaurant reviews so you would add the reviews application to your page.

When you setup a Facebook page you can choose from a number of ways to communicate with your fans. Pages are able to send updates to fans, which appear on their home page as notices. You can target by age, gender, location, etc. on your updates. These updates can include text or hyperlinks. Pages can even send updates on status. Then fans can comment on the status or ‘Like’ the status. This feature was introduced in 2009 and made pages much more interactive.

Pages use Facebook in-house analytics engine, so you can gain insight as to what is happening on your page. You can quickly see if your fan base is growing or shrinking, the number of unique views, pages views, number of wall posts, videos played, etc. With this information you can ensure your campaigns are doing what you expected. You can then quickly make adjustments when needed.
A Facebook page can have a number of administrators, who will be responsible for moderating, uploading, and updating content. Any actions that are taken as administrator will show the page name as the initiator, not your personal name. This means the administrator(s) personal life stays private. This also means the page administrator can comment on their own personal posts under the identity of page administrator, which can be a handy tool when one is trying to get threads active and get fans to engage.

It’s a well known fact that pages that are stimulated with ongoing conversation on the thread, have a significantly higher fan base, which translates to higher brand loyalty, and awareness of your business. A Facebook page costs nothing to set up, there are no monthly fees associated with them, and they provide a company with a significant amount of benefit when they are used correctly.

If you are looking to grow your business or build greater brand loyalty you should explore what Facebook pages can offer you.

Social networking has become an important tool in online marketing. When we talk about social networking most of us think of Facebook. There’s certainly no question that Facebook can help maximize your business success. So let’s learn a little bit more on how to make that happen.
The first thing you need to do is choose to setup a page. If you have previously setup a group you should put a link on the group and send them to your page. Cut your losses. There are a number of reasons why a group isn’t right. The main reason is that updates on your group page will not be sent to all of the followers live stream. Unless someone actually goes to the group page, they’ll have no idea what you are up to. That’s not going to do your business any good.

When you create your page make sure to complete all the options that are presented to you. New visitors tend to stop on the info tab. Take the time to create a nice logo image. In Facebook it’s called a profile image. This image can be a maximum of 200 pixels wide and 600 pixels tall. This means you have plenty of room to create a memorable impression. Take the time to look over all the settings for the page. Choose the setting for who can see the page, who can see the posts, who can post, etc.
Next customize the landing page. This is buried but Facebook does let you set a default landing tab for visitors who are not yet likers. In order to set a landing page you will have to create a new tab. Then go to the edit page admin screen and select manage permission from the menu.

Once your page is set up and running it’s time to start to post blog content to your Facebook wall. There are tons of reasons why you should do this. In fact there are millions of reasons – they are called Facebook users and they spend a large amount of time on their news feeds. There are all kinds of apps that will let you automatically post to your page’s wall. It’s less work. Of course, you can certainly post manually if you like.
Facebook lets you allow visitors on your website to login using your Facebook profile information. It does sound great in theory, but make sure you give it the right consideration before making a final decisions. Think about who your audience is, and whether they will be okay with using their Facebook account to log into your website.

How to Create Your Facebook Business Page

You might already have a personal Facebook account to keep up with friends and family by sharing information, photos, ideas, etc. Yet when it comes to running a business page many are intimidated. Worry no more – we’ll walk you through the steps to getting your Facebook business page up and running.

1. Pick a Classification Facebook gives you six classifications you can choose from when creating a page. * Cause of community * Brand or product 13
* Entertainment * Local business or place * Company, organization, or institution * Artist, band, or public figure
The classification helps you to rank better in more relevant searches. After you select a category, you will be asked to fill out your business name, location information, etc. When you are setting up your page make sure you input the information the way you always want it to be as you are unable to make changes later.

2. Complete the Basic Info Upload a photo that represents your business visually. If you have a company logo that’s what you should use here. If you don’t have a logo then consider  picture of staff or maybe the business building. Add your URL, and bio. Then you will be asked to invite friends.

3. Fill Out the Page Choose “edit info” and then add any pertinent information on your company. You can add your hours of business, business description, location, and email address.

4. Make Use of all the Features There are a lots of great features Facebook offers those with business pages. Start with clicking on ‘get started’ which will bring up multiple steps you can follow through and set up to get the most out of your page. Here are just a few that are worth trying. * Invite your friends. * Tell your fans. * Post status updates. * Promote this page on your website. * Set up your mobile phone.

5. Time to Track By now, you have built your page and shared it. If you have built it right it reflects your business accurately. You can play around with your page and tweak it. Track your changes see what works and what doesn’t – tweak some more. Use Facebook insights to get stats on your page. This helpful tool can make it easy to see what’s working and what isn’t. Now that you know how to create your Facebook page, it’s time to bring targeted traffic to your site and begin to reap the benefits that Facebook can offer your business.

Building a Powerful Facebook Presence

For those of you who have already created a Facebook presence it’s time to build a presence that’s just that much more powerful. Facebook is constantly changing and evolving, so it’s vital that you keep on top of what’s happening on Facebook and then make sure your page makes the most of it.
It is estimated 2012 will see Facebook reach more than one billion active users. Over 700 billion minutes per month are spending on Facebook. If you can funnel even a sliver of this time to your Facebook page, you’ll be in a powerful position to experience exponential growth and profits.

These days if you want to take your online success to the next level you need to use Facebook. Have Facebook in your marketing strategy if you really want to succeed. A recent study asked 4,000 Facebook fans of 20 top brands about their spending habits and here is what they found: - 28% of Facebook fans compared to non-fans are likely to continue using a certain brand - 41% of Facebook fans compared to non-fans are likely to recommend a product they are a fan of to a friend - On average Facebook fans spend an additional $71.84 annually on a brand  compared to the non-fans
Research has shown that Facebook fans will spend more money yet another reason to build a powerful Facebook presence. According to Syncapse - 28% of Facebook fans are likely to be brand specific - 41% of Facebook fans are likely to recommend a product they are a fan of to one or more friends - The average value of a Facebook fan is $136 annually

People are going to buy from those they trust. Facebook allows you to build two way communications with current and potential customers. Make your page a place where fans want to stop by often. Have interactive dialogue, make informative posts, offer coupons or giveaways, and more. Build your Facebook page to best reflect your products and services and who your target market is.

For example, the demands and needs of college students is going to be much different from single moms or entrepreneurs. This means you need to know who your target market is in advance.
There are many who have cracked the secret of making Facebook pages as a valuable marketing tool, that maximizes their revenues and the numbers of brand loyal consumers. Don’t be afraid to learn, try, and explore. Keep what works and toss out what doesn’t, but never forget that Facebook pages do work, and they work exceptionally well.

Learn the Secret to Successful Facebook Ads

If you are an advertising or marketing professional, then it’s likely you have either used Facebook ads or at least are aware of them. These ads are often referred to “Facebook ads,” or “paid social ads.” The fastest growing digital media channel is Facebook ads. However, that still doesn’t still tell the picture.
* More than 50% of the social network users are between the ages of 25 and 34 and they say they cannot possibly live without their social media. * 90% of all internet users visit a social networking site at least once a month. * 74% of consumers will be influenced to buy a product/service after soliciting social media feedback. * 60% of Facebook users that become fans of a page will recommend that fan to another friend.
The demand for social media has continued to grow by leaps and bounds. Advertising success on Facebook will require you to fine tune your craft so that you can maximize your page and reap the most benefit. Let’s look at the top secrets to success.

1. Automate your ads so that they refresh and rotate on a regular basis. Users have become very good at blocking out ads, which is why it’s so important to keep the ads eye catching and changing regularly.

2. When it comes to targeting on Facebook one can become very specific. When you introduce segmentation into your marketing program it creates efficiency. As a paid advertiser you should take advantage of the demographic targeting you can easily do on Facebook.

3. There are thousand so ads and bins on Facebook, so it is important that you make use of the automated bid technology that is available. It will help you to maximize your bidding for ad placement and stay within your budget.

 4. It’s important that you track more than just the engagement (your Likes). You should track all KP’s including the return on investment, demographics, and psychographics.

5. Learn how to leverage your PPC and SEO data. By doing so you will be able to better target your market. Make sure you look at the data relating to the keywords that are driving conversions. Make sure you test target these keywords.

6. Test targeting of ‘Friends of Connections.’ Many are unaware that the Facebook targeting option lets you target fans whose friends are also connected to the page. This has great potential! With the average Facebook user having more than 150 friends. If there are 1000 Facebook fans on your page that means you have the potential to reach 150,000 people. You can see the power and the potential here.

These top 6 secrets to successful Facebook ads will get you started on reaping the benefits of Facebook ads.

If you haven’t yet recognized the value of Facebook when it comes to your business, then it’s time you did before you get left back in the dark ages. Facebook pages are available to all business owners and best of all they are free. For those of you not familiar with Facebook pages let’s get started.
On Facebook, you can set up a page where you can tell the world about your business, promote your business through contests, sales, and other methods, and most importantly interact with your customers and potential customers.

To get the most out of your Facebook page, rather than posting on a continuous thread, make sure you actually chat with your visitors. Think of ways to start a conversation that will get plenty of action. Then think about content that you can spread that has the potential to go viral.
Those that are fans on a business page will stop by regularly if you have cool things going on it that interest people. You can link to cool items on your website, or just put cool things right on your Facebook business page.

One notable example, that’s been kicking around, is about a Baton Rouge Community Coffee business, who began to share their memories from childhood of being able to have a little coffee with milk in it. This topic resulted in all kinds of great conversations at before they knew it their fan base was growing by a thousand fans every week. Community Coffee says Facebook is one of their top five income generators. There is no requirement to maintain a page to advertise on Facebook. However, savvy business owners combine a business page with their ads to maximize their benefits.

To make the most out of the ads you place on Facebook, you want to maximize the amount of traffic they drive to your website or Facebook page. When you log into Facebook, you can click on the link to “create an ad. ” Then just click the “I want to advertise something I have on Facebook” button, or the “Suggest an ad” button. In a split second Facebook will throw together an advertisement for you that utilizes text and an image from your site or page. You can then upload a different image or change the text any way you wish to tweak the ad.

Next you’ll need to refine your targeting based on profile information. Facebook automatically fills in ads based on the likes and interests Facebook users have chosen on their profiles. What you need to do is click the continue button after your ad has been generated, and get down to targeting the demographics for your ad. This includes workplace, age, education, gender, interests, language, and even Facebook connections.
There you have it – you are well on your way to building success through Facebook.

How to Create a Successful Facebook Ad Campaign

According to a 2011 report the cost of advertising on Facebook has risen by 40% for CPC (Cost Per Click) advertising. This rise in cost is the result of the increased number of Facebook ads being purchased. The secret is out that Facebook ads work, as a result there are more users and the competition is high so you pay more.

In addition Facebook felt it had room to increase its prices without affecting demand. Since the cost of advertising is rising, more than ever you need to know what the best practices are for Facebook advertising to ensure you get the most value for your money.

Social ads will work three times better than the traditional Facebook ads. The addition of sponsored stories has led to a higher click through rate, ad recall, brand lift, and an increase in recommending new ads. Users can now ‘Like’ content of an ad, share, comment, see which friends like the same ad content. This makes it easier for ad content to be spread through word of mouth.
When you retarget your existing fans it can increase your acquisition. If you have already build up a fan base that’s the size you want, but you are hoping for more engagement, then you need to use ads that will re-engage the audience in a way that helps to increase the overall visibility of your Facebook page. When you increase your engagements with fan, you increase the number of fans that like your page. Remember 70% of the time if a person becomes a fan on your page, they like your brand and they will send traffic to your page or website. So make sure you are getting the maximum value out of your ads.

Try to use simple copy that requires no thinking. Facebook users like to browse through their profile. They don’t want to have to stop so that they can read in-depth content that has a message that’s confusing. You need to keep your ad copy short and sweet. Oh yes and let’s not forget relevant. By doing so you will get the best CTR.
When running an ad campaign you will need to target your demographics. However, one of the most common mistakes made on Facebook is to make the target too tight, thereby missing out on potential fans and customers. Research has shown that a more broader targeting focus has shown to be the most successful when it comes to advertising campaigns on Facebook.
Finally, make sure that you rotate your ads often so as to avoid ad blindness. Facebook users have become very good at blocking out ad content. In order to engage them you will need to make sure your ads change frequently to spark interest and follow through.
Facebook ads can be a huge income booster when used correctly. You are now on your way to getting started, so why wait another minute?

Use Facebook Ads to Target Traffic

Targeted traffic means potential paying customers. Trying to target traffic on the internet can be difficult. Using Facebook ads makes it much easier to target traffic and therefore maximize the right kind of traffic to your website or Facebook page.

To set up an ad campaign on Facebook:
 1. Click the link to “create an ad”

 2. Then just click the “I want to advertise something I have on Facebook” button, or the “Suggest an ad” button.

3. Facebook then quickly generates an ad for you by pulling text and an image from your Facebook page or website.

4. From there you can make changes to both the text and image to refine your ad message.

Once you’ve created your ad, it’s time to refine that ad to target the right traffic. On Facebook you will do that using the profile information users reveal when setting up their Facebook profile. Your next step is:

1. Click the continue button after your ad has been 

2. Now you need to target your traffic. This includes choosing things like educational level, workplace, gender, language, age, etc. You can even include Facebook connections.

You’ll want to narrow down your target market so your ads are well focused. Facebook is smart and will not let you narrow your search so much that it’s detrimental to your advertising campaign. For example, a good narrowed down target market might include selling energy bars to people in the California area, that have participated in 5 mile marathons. You can establish the ad for a specified time period that might be a certain day, time, week, etc.

Let’s look at a couple of ad examples. A bakery might target a specific area and then create an ad for a free cupcake on your birthday. A retailer selling android phones might target those using iPhones and offer a free upgrade.

Now, what Facebook won’t let you do is try to target let’s say energy bars and iPhones. Instead you could create two ad campaigns – one for energy bars and one for iPhones. Facebook stops you to ensure you are not narrowing your search too much to make your ad campaign ineffective.

There are some limitations on targeting on your ads. Improving targeting of those over the age of 64 is still in the works by Facebook. Targeting internationally and targeting those that have their relationship set as complicated are not possible.
As you set your choices Facebook shows you how many Facebook users will likely see the ad you are placing and the estimated cost.

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