Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Do you want traffic to your website? Take this guide for your success, right now!

Every website owner dreams of having a huge stream of traffic to their website. Without missing my words, having a website without traffic is meaningless because the traffic is your audience. The unfortunate bit is that most people do not get enough traffic required to reach their goals. With traffic, the ideas that would go through your mind as a website owner are endless. The milliondollar question now is, "how to get traffic?"

For now, you might as well give that Google search some rest from punching all the keywords like; how to get traffic, free traffic and the like and start concentrating on this book. I have compiled a very comprehensive list of 30 ways that will help you drive unlimited traffic to your website. If you invest your time into the methods that I am about to reveal, am pretty sure you will succeed in getting a nice stream of traffic to your website.

I believe you must be supercharged right now and are ready to get some traffic to that website and get the most of out of it. However, let me clearly put it out that these methods do not work over night, some take a bit longer to implement and some take less time and the results vary, but all the same, you will get some traffic. The major problem that people have after buying a course or reading a great eBook such as this is taking action. People do not take action and see no results or they want to get results overnight. The Internet world requires time and time is what you should put in and add a bit of patience to it. If you are ready to learn, keep scrolling we will get down to business and give you 30 awesome methods to get unlimited traffic to your website.

1. Banner Advertisement  

This is a great way to get some good targeted traffic. Simply put, banner advertisement involves getting some banners on other website with the aim to draw traffic from them. There are two ways to go about this.
Firstly, you could find high traffic websites and then send the website owner an email that you are interested to put a banner linking to your website. From there, you agree on the fees and then place your banner ad on their site. Sometimes, some sites that do know that they already draw huge amounts of traffic already have a service or sell banner ad spaces on their websites. Usually, you will see words like; "your ad here" or "your banner here for $xxx."

On the other hand, you can search for banner ad brokers or banner services. These websites have traffic services ranged in different classes according to price and traffic. They already have many websites on which they put their banner adverts so, depending on the type of service you want, you get traffic accordingly. This option is far more expensive compare to the first option since it carries away the trouble of searching for websites you want to place a banner on.

2.YouTube Video Marketing  

This is yet another powerful way to tap into unlimited traffic. The first thing you will have to do is create a YouTube channel that is focused on the niche that your website is concerned. It helps to have similar themes as the website does so that your visitors see the link between the two and enhance your website brand.
Next, you create videos concerning the niche that you are involved in, for purposes of this book; we will take weight loss as our niche example. So, you create a weight loss YouTube channel and then create weight loss videos. You could start by creating videos such as tips for losing belly fat or maybe keeping in shape the easy way. All in all, the videos must also be relevant and very helpful to viewer.
Furthermore, the video must have a link to your website somewhere. So, you could have the link within the video, by adding your watermark (powered by YouTube) linked to your website or channel. You could also consider having the link in the description box right below the video or you could have it in the video which can be seen as the video plays. All these options can be used at the same time for maximization of the chances of the click through.

One of the most important things that your video should have is a call to action. The thing is that once the viewer finishes watching the video, they are left in suspense and there is a chance for their mind to wonder around and go view something else. So, in aim of controlling the viewer attention, a call to action to subscribe to the channel or click the link to your website is a very feasible option. By having them to subscribe, you have them within your reach because every time a new video has been uploaded they are notified. On the other hand, by having them to click the link then you are simply redirecting traffic to your website.

3. Build an Email List 

Most website owners rely on organic traffic also known as search engines as a major source of traffic for their websites. With time, the search engines have also brought in their various updates that change the way they operate and determine what ranks out on top. As a result many have lost out on a great deal of traffic. So, it is only wise to make sure that you as a website owner capture every visitor that comes lurking on your site. This is where email list building comes in.
An email list is built by visitors who come to your website and opt in with their mails to get updates or other benefits from the site. So, all you have to do is create an opt-in page and have an email service provider which you use to build the list. Two email service providers I can clearly single out are MailChimp and Aweber.

This email list that is built is then used, to promote products, alert users of new updates or new posts made to the websites. This in turn helps build a long term relationship with the visitors hence also making it easier to drag them to your website.

4. eBook  

EBooks are another great of getting unlimited traffic to your website. There is a perception of authority whenever a visitor gets to find a free eBook in collaboration with great content on the website. When you combine the two, they are more willing to get their hands on the eBook.
So, the assumption is that you as a website owner are an expert in particular field related to your website. However, this may not always be the case hence there is a need to outsource the writing of the ebook. So, you head over to sites like fiverr, iwriter or ordesk among others and find the writers to write your eBook.

An eBook is a great tool when it comes to traffic generation because it can be used in two ways. The first being that it can used as a free give-away for all those who opt-in on the email list or you could simple add a link to your eBook back to your website. In the second option, as the book is circulating amongst many individuals. People will want to find your website especially if the content in the book is great.

5. Forum participation  

Depending on the niche that your website belongs to, you as a website owner should join forums within the same niche or those that are very closely related. Apart from learning from the forum, it can also be super source for targeted traffic. This is so because a forum is made of people who have one or closely related interest which brings them all together. So, if the forum is about ladies boots, then if you have a website to do with ladies shoes this could be a plus for you.

When you join the forum, you must observe the trends and learn which type of posts made on the forum get the most attention. Develop similar topics which are well researched and very helpful. Your posts should be good enough to become some of the few authority posts at the website. So, when referring forum members to external links, they trust you because you are a top contributor. So after doing this a couple of times you get them to check out your website not as a website owner but as a top contributor from the forum.  

6. Solid Content  

If you haven't been considering this then it's high time you did. Creating quality content is simply irreplaceable. With this you create a long lasting relationship with your readers and a possible large following. Every day, we have readers looking for information and if they got what they were looking for from your site last time, it is very likely they will hit the bookmark add button without second thoughts.

Great content is also a good strategy to staying in good terms with the search engines. Keeping in mind that these are one of the best sources of traffic around, you wouldn't want to be stepping on their toes. Search engines aim at providing high quality content to their customers and wouldn't direct traffic to sites that do not deserve.

So you would be asking, what solid content is? This is content that keeps the readers engaged and informed at the same time. In simple terms, at the end of the article the reader should be able to get the help that they wanted or solution to the problem that they had in mind. Furthermore, they should be able to read through the whole article until the end without being bored.
In essence, great content is vital for creating a royalty relationship between the reader and the website owner. Great content can also be used as a catch for your website visitors to opt-in with their emails and help you build your list.

7. Image optimization  

This is one part that many miss and think is natural, but can also be a great to pull in some massive traffic. A simple guess I would throw in right now is that your website has some images on it, but are you taking advantage of this?

Bare in mind that search engines also have a functionality to search for images from websites. How do they do this? They search the tags attached to image or the image name. When building websites with platforms like word press, you have an option of tagging the image with names related to the image and article it has been placed in. So, when someone is searching for articles related to the image tags placed they get your image as part of the image search results.
Well, that is not all. After tagging your image with the appropriate keywords, you would want to also let other sites know that you have this image on your websites. Just like when you share a new blog post via Facebook, Twitter or Stumble Upon, you should share it via Pinterest, social media site where pictures are shared. If your picture is interesting enough, it will surely get pinned by many and get many shares. However, for this to be more effective you must link the image on Pinterest to your website.

Lastly, you want to keep your readers on your site as much as possible. So, as an extra salt to pepper, you must link your images to other pages related to the article or image with the idea that, for instance, if the reader is reading about quick ways to lose weight and the image is showing a man with a large belly, then you could link this to an article about losing belly fat.

8. Article Directory Submission  

There are plenty article directories online, the likes of EzineArticles.com and ArticleCity.com. Here you submit your articles and get to link them back to your website.

The best way to go about this is to firstly, read through highly rated articles related to you your niche so that you have an idea of what type article gets the most attention. From there, get to work and start writing on the desired topic related to your niche. The article has to be of high quality and also fun to read because if the readers do not get to the end of the article where the link usually is, then the whole purpose is defeated.
In essence, the more views you get the more chances that your readers will want to find out more about the product, service or topic you were writing about by clicking the link to the website.  

9. Website Directory  

These are also a great way to of drawing some unlimited traffic. A good number of internet users use website directories to find particular services or products that they want hence you might as well call it a website yellow pages. Some, directories are free and for some you need to pay and the rules and regulations from each directory differ.

There are two ways to draw traffic from website directories. It could be directly or indirectly. The directly being that once you list with the directly, users will find your website listed on the directory and will click and get to your website. In this case, you would only want to submit to high authority article directories. You could check the page rank to hint to you or you could follow up on what people are advising on the best directories to list on if you plan to get to draw mainly draw traffic from directory users.

The indirect method is where you get backlinks from the listing that has been made. The search process is slightly similar. You will have to find websites with high search engine authority. This is so because backlinks will only count when it comes to search engines. One rule of thumb that I have learned is that the stricter the submission rules of the website to the directory, the more authority they have with search engines. Usually, they do a manual assessment of the website, a great example DMOZ. You could consider submitting to websites such as Family Friendly Sites, Greenstalk, Splash Directory and Clash.

10. Press Release Submissions  

These have been and are still effective today. Press release sites have very high authority with the search engines and are also a great place to draw traffic from directly. Some press release sites have subscribers to whom they distribute links press releases that they have opted in for.
The beauty about large press release sites is their ability to widely distribute your press release to readers, which is a plus to you site. If your press release is comprehensive and helpful to readers some may also refer to your press release which is linked back to your website.
Accordingly, by submitting a press release to a press release distribution website, your press release gets a wide audience which when hooked will click the link to your website and follow through. In addition, it will also act as great way to get high quality backlinks for search engine ranking.  

11. Facebook  Page  

I couldn't go on telling you methods of drawing unlimited traffic without mentioning Facebook now could I? Well, Facebook as one of the largest social media sites keeps on growing with time and that's where a lot of people spend are spending their time.
What you have to do here is head over to Facebook and create your website's Facebook page. This page must somehow resemble what your websites is like. Similarities to consider include; the "about" information that you enter and the page theme.

The next step that you will have to go through is getting likes for your page. You can always start by sharing the link to your page to friends and family just to give the page a little boost. Otherwise, you must then advertise your page on the Facebook adverts to get more targeted likes using the Facebook advertisement manager. This function lets you have a targeted audience of the adverts, based on age, country and gender. So, if your page and websites are middle-aged ladies, then your campaign will be focused on the respective age and gender. In addition, remember to change the adverts frequently so that they do not become familiar and stop being effective. With such type of advert campaigns, it is only wise to have a fixed budget set per day that you can afford so that you don't go beyond what you can afford.

Furthermore, you will need to engage your Facebook followers by adding some short but helpful tips or quotes that they can read and follow quickly. Remember, this a social media network and not a blog because most readers will be likely to have a short attention span. So, when you have a new post or a new feature or product you would like to share to your esteemed followers, you share it to your Facebook page and the readers are most likely to click through because of the reader-writer engagement that you created.

12. Twittering the Twit  

Do not get fooled by the name of this method, it's nothing more than having a Twitter account for your website. As you may already know, Twitter is another social media site that is being used by even large corporations, that is just to show you how powerful it is. So, thanks to such social media platforms, the playing field has been leveled such that even you may get the opportunity to tap into this source of website traffic.

You will need to create a twitter account and explain a bit more about your website in the description box. Remember to add all the valuable keywords in this description. You also have a chance to add a link to your website on the URL space provided too.

The next thing will be getting followers. Your main focus will be to follow those people or other website Twitter accounts that are in the same niche as you are. For instance, if you are in the weight loss niche, you will follow Twitter accounts of celebrity trainers or companies that trade in weight loss products.  
Furthermore, you will also need to update you Twitter status frequently. The updates must also be related to the niche that you are operating in. These updates must be helpful and can also include keywords related to the niche, but do not stuff keywords such that the Twit will not even make any sense.
With time, people interested in your niche will follow your Website's Twitter account and the other accounts that you followed are also very likely to follow you back. So, with a large following you can easily share a new post or other links from your website to your followers via your twits.

13. Continuous Website  Development  

You can agree with me that the more user-friendly your website is, the more likely you are to have repeat visitors and enjoy natural sharing of the links to your site. So, work continuously on the optimizing your website to make the user experience memorable. Simple things such as layout or website design can simply put off visitors and make them hit the return button quickly.
A disorganized website shows unprofessionalism and derails the trust of the visitor and your website could be labelled spam. Take some time to look at some of the best websites in your niche and you could find the answer to why they are the best website in the niche. Do not reinvent the wheel just make it a bit better by coping some layouts and you can use different designs. It's very likely that
they took some time to research and have had the resources to do so, which you may not have, so you take advantage of such things.

If the copycat strategy may seem a little too involving for you to do, then you can consider asking feedback from your visitors. Ask them, to tell what they think about the recent post or anything that they think can change in order to improve their experience at your website. By asking visitors such questions, they unconscious create a trust blanket in your website and perceive your website as that which reader-focused and they like that. Such visitors are most likely to return especially when you take into consideration their thoughts (although you can't take everything).

14. Social Media Share Buttons  

Whenever you read something interesting on a website, you want to let other people know that you read it and want to share it with friends. Well, what other better way to share such information than social media. With that same thought in mind, you add social media buttons on your posts.
If you are using Wordpress, then this can be done easily by adding related plug-ins or the Wordpress Jetpack plug-in which is all inclusive and has a the social media buttons module which includes Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pintrest among others.

After readers read your post they are free to share it using the social media buttons next to the post. The more the share buttons that the social media buttons module has, the better. You will then be able to draw traffic from those social media sites which the post has been shared to and at the same time a few backlinks which are a plus for your search engine rankings. In addition, the search engines also take a look at how interactive your site is and social media signals are one of the ways they use to measure that factor.

15. Blog Commenting

You may have heard of blog commenting from other sources, but if you aren't familiar with this method then you are in luck. Blog commenting is where you simply comment on other blogs in order to attract attention from those who view your comment on the post to your website.
Firstly, you will need to find blogs to comment on and the best way to start is find a blog directory where you can easily go through and find blogs that are within your niche. A great example of a blog directory is Technorati. At Technorati you will find so many great blogs listed there and all you have to do is find the right blogs to comment on.
Blogs are built with the purpose of interaction so, they always have a field to comment in and most of the times they also have space where you can provide the URL to your website. So, if you found a nice blog post to comment on, then go for it and comment.

However, your comments should be rich and helpful (contentwise). It is also helps to go for fresh blog post where there are no comments because this will give your comment much room to be viewed.

Furthermore, you could use the field where you put your name as part of a keyword which you are targeting. Do not over do this, but some blogs may view this as spam and will not accept your comment and even block you, but those who know the art of blog commenting will accept your post without hustle.

In effect, the great comment will help you get more visibility from the readers of the blog and they will click your username and visit your site. This is very effective when it is a high authority blog because that means it has a high readership. In addition, if the blog had a high page rank, it will also in effect give you a high backlink as well resulting from the blog comment with your link hence boosting your ranking in the search engines.

16. Reverse Engineering 

As the name suggests is based on working backwards on the aim in mind. In this case, you create a blueprint of sites that are doing well with their traffic or ranking well on the search engines. So, in order for you to find out, you apply such tactics from what you see on the onset and try to figure out the strategy they put in place.

One of the strategies you can follow is your competitors' backlink creation. So, you will need a tool that can show you your competitors' backlinking strategy. I recommend using Traffic Travis or ahrefs.com. These tools will show you the source of the links that your competitor has. You can then build your links in a similar fashion.
In addition, you can also follow through using the same procedure to find out which related websites they network with or share links to. If the competitor is making plenty sales or has huge following you could also follow some strategies such where the social media sharing button is placed or opt-in box for emails is for maximum utilisation of your visitors.
In essence, you will be able to copy ranking and traffic factors from your competitor simply by studying various strategies that they apply. So, a comprehensive compare and contrast moment will reveal a lot to you.

17. Tell Your Visitors What You Want  

Sometimes, it is just that simple. When you visitors come to your website, a clear intention that you want to stay in touch with them is good.
For instance, you tell them that you want to have their email address so that you can alert them of the next blog post of the second part of the post which you will post soon. Also consider situations like where you want the visitor to help spread your content. You could ask the visitor to share the post if they enjoyed it and most visitors do so, especially if they enjoyed it. They wouldn't be willing to share if they did not.

18. Guest Blogging  

This is another great way to draw traffic from high traffic blogs to your website. This involves writing a guest post on a high authority blog. So, the magic behind this is that when the visitors of the high authority blog see your post they will want to know more about you and go to your site and also bookmark your site or maybe subscribe your RSS feeds.
Now getting to work, you will need to find some high authority blogs within your niche. As advised earlier, the best places to start are sites like Technorati. After finding a blog, you send the blog owner an email telling them about your intention of posting on their blog. Some will accept and some will decline and some will want the topic you want to write on or they may give you the topic themselves. Once the article is done and is ready, they will review it and accept your post and you have a link back to your site.

In order to get the best results from the post, the article must be of high quality; very engaging and exciting to read and must show your expert knowledge in the field as well. If you are not very good at writing, then it's also best to consider outsourcing a writer from the various freelance websites at your disposal. The beauty about guest blogging is the simple fact that you rely on the high authority blog to shine out. So, basically you are building on an already built glory.

19. Website Loading Time  

Nobody wants to wait a long time for the website to load not even you I guess. The question is, how fast is your website loading? A great way to benchmark test how fast your site is loading is by selecting 3 to 4 competitor sites that have great traffic and timing their loading of certain pages such as the home page and a page with a post on it.
What to do if your site is slower - Consider removing all unnecessary plug-ins - Consider revising your theme because these vary in sizes - Consider reducing the sizes of the images (these usually take the most of time)
This factor should be checked on frequently in order to ensure that you are always on the right path and that you are caught unaware. Website loading time is also used as a factor to determine search engine page rank by the search engines themselves.  

 20. Quality Hosting  

Never compromise on hosting. I know how tempting it is to go for cheap hosting in order to keep your monthly hosting cost low, but this could be recipe for disaster. You do not want to find yourself directing visitors to a website that is down just because the hosting servers are down now. Invest in the best hosting services possible.
There are many reliable hosting services available and at a reasonable price as well. For quality hosting, you should be prepared to pay an average of $10 per month.
So, after having troubled yourself to create backlinks to the website and posting those blog posts this should be the least of your worries, but if you do not have reliable hosting or you are with a hosting company that you know is unreliable then consider some other options. You could go through some forums to find out the best hosting package for your needs and also some reviews on these hosting services.

21. Interview Experts  

Imagine if your site was computer software review site and you had an interview with Bill Gates. Imagine the tonnes of traffic you could get if this story was shared over and over again. Well, am not saying you should get Bill Gates you should try to get someone as popular as Bill interviewed, but you may get someone well known within the niche that you are operating in.

You will start by identifying the closest experts in your niche. For instance, if you are in the weight loss niche, an expert could be someone who has come up with an exercise that will help people get rid of belly fat or maybe a doctor who has come up with formulation to help ladies slim quick by taking a particular combination of foods or simply an owner of a weight loss product. These experts can give a professional input about a certain topic within the niche and people are likely to follow.
In effect, your articles or posts will carry more weight and are likely to get more shares socially and visibility. In addition, your readers will build more trust because you involved a perceived expert in the field, therefore increasing the royalty rate amongst your readers.  

22. Under-­‐Promise and Over-­‐Deliver  

This strategy has worked for many physical and even online businesses and I believe it will work for you too. If you are selling products of your own or promoting other peoples products then you can pounce on this strategy and apply it too. I know it's very tempting to give away all that you are offering on your website before someone opts-in or buys a product, but it is only better to tell them enough to take action and blow their mind with the hidden bonuses or other goodies after they complete the action.

For instance, if you are promoting your own product or service and the customer has purchased the product. You send them a follow up email to see if they are having any problems using the product or if they have faults noted and let them know that your support services are available everyday and the like.
All in all, this aimed at improving the customer experience. If the customer had a very good experience with the service, then he or she is very likely to recommend your website to others and they too are very likely to return sometime.

23. Web  2.0 Sites  

These are websites that allow you to publish content on them on a more or less similar fashion like blogs, but they are quite different. These sites are very easy to use and have set modules. They also allow you to link back to your website a few times in the article.
They tend to rank very well in search engines and you would want to take advantage of that. These sites are built around online communities and these are the direct sources of traffic for your content published. So, you able to select the niche in which your content belongs to so that members of these sites can easily find them. In addition, these sites allow you to link your site to through RSS feed which will highlight new posts made on your websites; this is definitely a plus for you. By creating great content, you will also be able to create some loyal followers of your content

published on these sites. Remember, if you cannot write well enough, try learning, and if you still can't, then consider outsourcing.
Two popular web 2.0 sites that I can single out for you are Squidoo and Hubpages. Their properties are the same, but they operate with different rules. Hubpages has the strictest rules such that it is relatively easier to publish your content on Squidoo. All in all, they rank pretty well and can get you some high quality backlinks not only through the search engine rankings but also the social sharing feature that they have.

24. Keyword Research  

If you are into search engine optimization, then this is a very important tool to use. Keyword word research is very important as it gives you the direction on which keywords or niche to build your website around. On the other hand, if you have already built a website, then you could use the keyword research to enhance your visibility in search engine results. The thing is that there are people who are looking for particular things online and they tend to use some similar terms over and over again, this is the core of keyword research. So, if a person is looking for ways to unlock his brand new mobile phone, then they use words like; "how to unlock mobile phone type XYZ" or "phone unlocking services", these are what are known as keywords. In essence, you are trying to find the keyword that will bring you the most traffic.

So, if you intend to do a keyword research you could use keyword research tools. These tools help you identify which keywords that have the most search volume. Some of these tools are free and others are not. The most basic keyword tool you can use is Google Keyword tool. Google Keyword tool is easy and free to use, all you need is your Gmail account and login and you are good to go.

25. PPC  

PPC also known as Pay Per Click is also another way to drive some unlimited traffic. In plain English, this is expensive traffic, but can work wonders if done properly. The Pay Per Click services are usually provided by search engines such as Google and they charge quite a lot. The cost differs from keyword to keyword. For instance, if you plan to run a Pay Per Click campaign with Google, then you will use the Google Keyword tool which also shows you the cost.
So, according to your budget and Keywords do your research and select the keywords that you can afford and follow instructions through to setting up your campaign and checkout. Pay Per click work really well when you have squeeze page or an opt-in page to capture the visitors. As I said, since this is expensive traffic, you must make every penny count hence the recommendation of a squeeze page.

26. Getting Your Website Reviewed  

This is another way to get noticed online. In this case, you get to someone with a high authority blog to review your site or someone who provides website reviews. Though this is not for free, it's good for exposure to the bloggers visitors and others that may stumble upon the review and this can also help create powerful backlinks for your website. It will cost you an average of $50 to get your website reviewed.
In order for you to get started, you can find a website review site or you can search for a blogger who can review your site through blog searching on Technorati and contacting asking them for a review. On the other hand you can head over to any of the freelance marketplace websites or blogger review sites and find a freelancer you like.

27. Backlink  Count  

If you want to make the most of search engine traffic through search engine optimization, then this is for you. In backlink count you ensure that all the backlinks that you have created count. It is a huge waste of time to create a hundred backlinks and only twenty count to the search engines. So, in this strategy you ensure that all the backlinks created count and you will need to follow a few steps.

 You will need to create an excel sheet listing all the backlinks that you have created including the link which you have made and the date. Include more columns on the right which are labeled ping and RSS feed. After creating the backlink, you will have to Ping the backlinks once every week until they get crawled by search engine spiders. In addition, you can bundle these links by using a feed aggregation tools online and then also ping the link of the aggregated feeds. Repeat the pings once every week until the count of the backlinks changes. You can use Traffic Travis or ahrefs.com in order to monitor the change in number of backlinks created.

28. Do not Install Ads  
Depending on the purpose for which your website has been created, it is only wise not to put ads for other websites on yours. Although you would want people to click on your banner advert and come to your site, you wouldn't really want to be the one sending them traffic. This is all for the simple reason that traffic is not easy to get, just think about it, I am having to explain to you thirty ways on how to drive unlimited traffic and after applying all these tips, you send it to another site for a few bucks, not so wise huh?

Not that monetizing is a bad thing, but you must only send that traffic if you are ready to. Consider keeping away adverts from your site and rather encourage your visitors to buy your product or opt-in with that email address. Unless you are satisfied with the list of the emails collected, then you can start adding other means of monetizing.

29. Domain Magic 

Find domain names that related to your website products or services. It is even more of an advantage for you to use keywords in your domain names. In case you were thinking of building a website and buying a brand new domain name, consider squeezing in that keyword to your domain to help boost your search engine rankings when that keyword is searched.
In addition, if you can afford to find an old domain name, then go for it. Old domains have the advantage that they have some backlinks created already before the site was brought down. The search engines also consider age of the domain when ranking websites.

After you have all applied all the strategies that are on this list and all those that are not, it is only wise to assess the outcomes of your efforts. This will help you do things more efficiently and it will also help you know what is working faster, better and effectively.
I recommend that you use Google Analytics to monitor your sites progress. With this tool, you will be able to measure the bounce rate of your website, the traffic volume, the keywords which are bringing you the most volume and other important factors that will help you optimize your site.
After assessing your site progress on the traffic, you can then rinse and repeat the strategies outlined until you get you desired output.

30. Are you into YouTube Marketing?  

If you are, then here are a few tips you can use to draw traffic to your video or YouTube channel which you can also use to redirect traffic to your website
Well, before you create a video do keyword researches to find out which keywords have the most traffic volume or you could simply adopt those you are using on your website. However, a separate research will need to be done for YouTube tags.
You can use PowerPoint or other video software to create the video. Once done, name the video with the keyword you are aiming for. Add the link of your website in the description box and make use of the description box to describe the products or services you are promoting.
Use massive bookmarking strategies to rank the videos. Consider using software such as Link Robot or outsourcing bookmarking services from freelancers which can outsourced on websites such as fiverr.com. Rinse and repeat the process for best results.


Well, I do practice what I preach. I know that the moment you were going through this book you expected to find 30 ways on how to draw unlimited traffic to your website and you found a bonus in the end, this is a typical example of the "under-promise and over deliver" strategy. All the same, am glad you had set your time aside to go through this book and learn a few tips and tricks to help boost your website traffic.

Getting traffic is never easy and applying all these strategies one at a time is not as easy too. All these are time consuming and I don't really expect you to apply all methods. In view of this, I am of the idea that you should only take in what you think you can apply, although more is better than a few. Where possible, I recommend that you outsource some of the services you think you cannot do.
The strategies outlined in this book are Google post panda and penguin. So, they are still effective. Remember, if you are aiming at search engine traffic; try to be as natural as possible by expanding your traffic sources.

I used to be one of the guys who after reading or learning things would shelve them away in some folder on my laptop until I realized that I was simply wasting my time. If only I had applied what I learned straight away, I would have been more successful online than I am today.

Visit our main website at bellevue search engine optimization company

Monday, 18 April 2016

Is Your Business Social Enough?

From Flexpoint Digital Marketing Consulting
Today, social media platforms have invaded and taken over public consciousness. It has become a big part of day to day routines and an indispensable communication tool for people to connect and stay in touch. Consumers have used social media presence as one of the integral basis of a company’s legitimacy, reliability and viability. Businesses today are judged based on their Facebook or LinkedIn profiles, and consumers expect companies to respond to the concerns and queries they have tweeted within the day or within the hour.

Suffice it to say, social media has managed to steal the thunder away from traditional marketing methods. Modern marketing strategies today have a mix of social media tactics as its integral component for reaching business goals.

Discover the Social 5-Pack  

Highly competitive companies have taken the aggressive path and actively pursued the “Social 5-Pack”, made up of: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube. This is in line with the aim to engage their target market and existing client base in order to fill the top of the sales funnel as well as understand the prevailing consumer preferences and behaviors to ensure brand loyalty.
However, signing up and maintaining multiple accounts on all social networking sites is not as easy as it seems. Jumping right in without any in-depth understanding of the social media process can prove to be potentially detrimental for a company, which can lead to exposing its online presence at serious risk and leading it towards an unproductive direction.  

Take the Reins of Your Online Presence  

Given the power of social media, it is critically important for businesses to work through their strategies and develop processes to lead to scalability, efficiency, and successful social engagement. This eBook provides you all the necessary information to understand the full potential of social media, as well as how your business can harness its latent power so you can make smarter decisions on how your organization can effectively incorporate it into your company’s marketing and communications mix.
If you want to drive your business forward, you need to make sure it stays social, current and relevant in consumers’ consciousness. Discover how social media can become your most effective and influential marketing workhorse. This eBook will equip you will all the important information on how to get started and how you can use social media to your full advantage and rake its long-term rewards.    

Understanding the Value of Social Media Buzz and What It Can Do For Your Business
These days, social media is the buzz word in marketing and a global trend that has gotten everyone of every age engrossed in one, two and possibly even several social media sites. Everyone is on it, in one form or another. But what is it exactly?

Social Media Explained in Plain English

The term social media has been carelessly tossed around and used too often in online marketing. But what is it really about? In essence, social media incorporates the use of online technologies and methods that allow people to share personal opinions, content as well as swap insights and perspectives with the rest of the world.  

Social media content can take different shapes and forms:
 Text – often used to write or put across personal opinions or posts  Images – photos are used to display anything of interest  Audio – podcasts can be created to other users to download  Video – video content can be shared to engage, entertain or educate
Among the most popular social media sites at the moment include:

 Social Networking: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+  Wikis: Wikipedia  Video Sharing: YouTube  Photo Sharing: Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr  News Aggregation: Digg, Reddit   Online Gaming: World of Warcraft

The New Approach to Branding and Communication – Moving Beyond Marketing

Social media has paved the way to a more powerful communication channel for companies to publish their marketing messages – all without the exorbitant cost. While we all know social networks is generally used by businesses to engage their target market and study consumer preferences and behaviors, the truth is, it has other equally powerful features that you can incorporate into your marketing strategy, with highly rewarding payoff at that.

Here are other areas in your business that you can apply social media to drive success:

 Customer Service – One ideal example of this is Best Buy. With their Twelpforce, employees are empowered to provide prompt assistance on issues and queries. The ability to respond and react quickly is very critical in today’s market, especially in influencing and changing perceptions. Even if a concern has not been resolved immediately, customers will feel their issues were acknowledged and given attention in a timely manner.
  Internal Communications and Collaboration – Small and large organizations can largely benefit from social media, in terms of file sharing, collaborative editing and knowledge sharing.
  Recruitment and Retention – A lot of employees today decide on whether they want to be a part of an organization or not based on information derived from social networks. It can also present a powerful tool in sourcing social channels that exists through professional networks.
Understanding the Social Media Ecosystem

To effectively use social media to your full advantage, it is important to take time and learn how the ecosystem works and the emerging habits of the “social consumers”.  Consider each social networking site as a town and the ecosystem basically pertains to the infrastructure of that town.
Your knowledge of the ecosystem will provide you a virtual map to navigate your way around the streets and how to find the path towards connecting with your target market. According to the latest study conducted by Chadwick Martin Bailey, consumers who are both Twitter followers and Facebook fans of a certain brand will not only recommend it products or services but also buy from those brands. In the same study, consumers reveal that brands that do not engage in social media are perceived as “out of touch” and outdated.

So the main idea here is to focus your social media efforts on the power users who command influence within their social networks. However, it is also important to note that connecting with medium and light users will also help your business earn social proof and trust.

Converting Leads to Sales: The ROI of Social Media

Like any business endeavor, you naturally want to have a fair idea on the return of your investment in social media and not simply jump right in just because it’s the popular thing. The ROI cycle of social media can be separated into 3 stages.

Stage 1: The Launch  
At this stage, 100% of your focus is on setting up accounts on the 5 Social Packs: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube. While there are a number of other popular social networking sites, the 5 are considered to be the critically important ones. You simply can’t afford not to have presence on all 5 platforms.

The Launch stage is more of executional with the primary goal of getting started. Here are the details of this stage:

Approach: Executional Objectives:  Social Media Presence Focus:   Short-Term Results: Negligible
At this point, you won’t be able to expect any significant impact or derive results.

Stage 2: Management At this stage, about 60% of your company’s efforts will be focused on developing the 5 social media sites. About 10% of the focus is directed towards the creative and brand offer and 20% on setting up quantitative metrics like inbound links, traffic, Facebook “likes”, etc.   The remaining 10% will be focused on qualitative metrics such as survey results, pools and studying brand sentiment.

Approach: Tactical Objectives:  Customer Engagement Focus:   Mid-Term Results: Increase in Traffic

Stage 3: Optimization During the Optimization stage, 25% of the focus is on gaining more leverage on all 5 social media platforms, and 30% will be distributed to creative and brand offer development, as well as the quantitative and qualitative metrics. The other 25% of the focus will be directed to

Improving the conversion rate and the optimization of campaigns. The remaining 20% will be used to measure success of the campaign which will be the basis of your ROI.

Approach: Strategic Objectives:  Social Media ROI Focus:   Long-Term Results: Increase in Revenue

Despite what many social experts claim that ROI of social media cannot be measured, there is actually a way to measure it. This process will require a better understanding of your customer lifetime value (CLV) or the average revenue generated by a customer during their entire engagement period with your products and services. This figure will be used to compare the results that have been generated on your campaign in social media.

For example:   
If a typical customer spends about $10 every month on a particular product and has been a loyal patron of a certain brand for about 3 years, this equates to the average customer lifetime value of $360.00.

Most companies are willing to spend about 10% of their CLV for the acquisition of new customers. This means, they are willing to spend $36 to acquire a new customer who is expected to spend $360 all throughout her engagement with the brand.

So if your social media efforts will cost you $36, 000 for one full year, and your campaign will be able to generate 1, 000 new customers every year, then you definitely have a clear winner in your hands. 

Friday, 17 July 2015

Issaquah Small Business Web Design Services Uplifts Your Business’ Brand

Elevating your business to the topmost level requires the efficient assistance of the best web development professionals. Amongst a range of functions performed by you to publicize your business, effective web designing and management is worth mentioning. Now, it might not always be the case that clients wish to design a website for large business endeavours. There are several owners of small business requiring efficient web designing and management professionals, for their business. Some of the top notch services available ensure great leads and increased sales for their clientèle.

Efficient web management
In this regard, the Issaquah small businessweb design professionals leave no stone unturned to provide great strategies for brand establishment. From increasing brand awareness to becoming a major resource for marketing activities, these worthy professionals guide on every nuance of digital marketing. Moreover, they are capable of designing customized services for every distinguished client and transforming their vision into reality. Apart from that, there are SEO optimization services, generating great amounts of traffic to your website. In this regard, they assist you in maintaining a perfect balance of off page and on page factors.

It is not only great traffic that the Issaquah small business web design services offer; rather they channelize every possible effort to convert effective leads into actual customers. This in turn, monetizes your major resources. Moreover, there are successful email marketing strategies, to directly reach out to potential customers. Apart from that, the presence of highly CRM software ensures effective monitoring of customer activities. 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

How to Identify a Good Website Designer?

The choice of your website designer largely affects the success of your online business. The better the elements added to a site the better would be the results. Here are a few points that you should keep in mind when it comes to choosing the best amongst wide selection of Bellevue web designer firms -
  • Before signing the deal make sure, you know about the charges of their services. A good web designer will want to know thoroughly about your business so that he can understand your needs in a better way.
  • Look into their previous work. Watch out the websites designed by them. A good designer is flexible in his work; he doesn't give the same feel to all his creations.
  • Know about the experience of the professional in layout and graphic designing of the website.
  • If they do not hold any expertise in graphic work can they give any recommendations of the artist?
  • Make sure they carry their work with systematic and structured planning. Also, make sure they document all the decisions and discussions regarding the project. It’s best if they create a Website Planning Guide.
The layout and design of your website essentially affects the success ratings of your business largely. Interviewing the website designers, will help you in finding a proficient website designer for you. Make sure he is willing to listen to your requisites and holds enough expertise in a website that delivers best work within the given time frame and budgeted rates.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Web designing tips and techniques - For start-ups

In this era when the digital marketing is at its boom… every company is moving towards securing a good online presence in order to target their potential customers as well as retaining their existing ones.
These days many startups companies are coming up, some among them are experiencing success in right way, and others failing to create impact. But in order to survive in this tough competition, a startup needs to have an online presence in form of their website. But surely the website has to be unique and attractive so that it has great impact on the minds of their potential customers. The work done by Seattle web designer for startups is an amazing example of how to do the designing work.

In simple terms, a good web design means having feature like:
1.      Innovative concept: Technological development is always offering new opportunities for innovative design. But innovative design developed in tandem with innovative technology what the need of the hour is!
2.      Great content: A sign that the website is the good one is that it makes the product understandable to the person who is visiting the site.
For this, the content of the website is the key! Simpler and understandable the content more successful will be the website and thus the startup.

In the end, it could be concluded that a Good design cannot be made using glossy buttons or with creative wireframes alone.  And though it could be created on your own but hiring an expert for the work is a better idea as they know how to work in order to convert your ideas into realty!

Just like for a start-up, a good business plan stands without execution of experts, similarly, a great Photoshop mockup is nothing without careful consideration to User interface or the user’s needs.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Why Are the Search Engine Optimization Services extremely Important For Your Website?

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization is a procedure that makes your website more attractive that it can fit on any top search engine result page. Search Engine like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are called "crawlers." These, "crawlers" are looking for new websites and content. If the crawlers find anything new on the web, they try to add it to their database. This is known as indexing. And these indexing is done by professional search engine service. But they have to do it correctly. Through this procedure, people can find their desired information on the internet through search engines.

Service of Seattle search engine optimization:

A professional search engine optimization service in
Seattle assists you get high ranking in search engine results pages. Not only that, it also aids you to get the targeted audience who visit your site regular basis. We all know that, like other things search engine optimization has also undergone various changes nowadays. These changes generally occur due to the changes in search tool algorithms. While you select for the SEO services, you should pick a well trained SEO professional like Seattle search engine optimization services who have a great knowledge about all advantages and disadvantages of SEO promotion. The main aim of this professional service to get the website indexed in search engine results pages.
Seattle search engine optimization services are offered by local SEO experts who have the specialization in all aspects of SEO that can help all type of business to grow their businesses utilizing advanced Internet technologies.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Two questions that will be helpful for you, hire a reliable company is online.

One very important and helpful question that will help you to get hold of a good company is by asking this question. By doing a search online and by reading the advisors list will help you to get to know about the past of the company and also their services.

·         Do you have a portfolio so that I can review it?

As it is vital that you always take time to examine a web design agency's portfolio so that you are able to gauge what type of work they do as well as determine their specific design style. Additionally, it is imperative that you seek out an agency that targets your particular market or industry as they will have much more expertise and can offer a more accurate quote for the type of project that you have. The agency that targets your specific market will be able to set a realistic and definitive deadline.

·         Is your agency doing all of the work of design?

You might be paying a higher amount of money to the most famous company, however, in the end your work is done by usual people. Hence, it is very important that you first make sure that you know who exactly is doing the entire work for your project. Be firm that it stays in-house and also make sure that you have all the detailed information in your contract.

Besides these, it is very important that you ask more questions as it help you to get hold of an Issaquah web designer agency in Issaquah and also all over the world.